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I was in need of a quick breakfast this morning, so I just threw some sprouted bread in the toaster. What are some of your favorite toppings?

darkchocolatepeanutbutter The cliche: mashed avocado. I also love scrambled eggs with mushrooms and spinach!
olivettefarm Almond butter, bananas and a little bit of honey are always great for me in a pinch!
marynfulton2 I'm a sweet girl in the morning, but that's one of my favorites for a quick lunch @darkchocolatepeanutbutter ! Absolutely @olivettefarm ! Have you ever tried it with a sprinkle of cinnamon? That's...
What's your favorite banana bread recipe? Need to use these babies up ASAP

JenniferEmilson My caramelized banana bread with walnuts! On the blog 😋☺️
Can anyone explain these precious pale strawberries found in Tokyo? Price: $60. At a store called Sun Fruits that treats fruits like rare and expensive works of art. Also found: $100 musk melon.
サン・フルーツ (Sun Fruits) 東京ミッドタウン店

Therecessbelle I would kill for a pack of this right now!
Recommendation for a dinner restaurant with gluten-free and vegan options in Manhattan?
New York City
A friend of mine will be in town next week and wants a yummy and fun but not too fancy night out. Doesn't have to be a strictly vegan or gluten-free establishment, but one with some options. Any id...
darkchocolatepeanutbutter Souen is a really great restaurant that serves macrobiotic foods that are gluten-free and vegan
annefood Thanks Noni!
Udi Westville maybe
Latte love for Pumpkin Seed Milk. Has anyone else tried it? What's your favorite milk?
Irving Farm Coffee Roasters

Big fan of pumpkin seed milk and want to try and make some. Grateful local coffee shop is serving it now.
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! I got a cappuccino with this at Irving and it was delicious!
SimplySeema @Rachna yes! Such a big fan and hope other coffee shops will start to carry pumpkin seed milk as well.
HealthyHarlequin If hate to have to milk a pumpkin seed!
Fresh cilantro & avocado are two of my kitchen staples. What are some of yours?

akhilg2002 My wife is trying to get us to grow plants at home, so now our Basil plant is a source of extra seasoning on half of our home cooking!
DietID_TeamDietitians Ginger!! I put it in literally everything from soups, to tea, to fish. I don't have an ice cream maker but if I did, I'd probably make ginger ice cream too ;)
marynfulton2 Mmm two of my favorites. What would we do without spices and herbs?! They make life better 😊
Thoughts on this? --In Defense of Eating Seasonally (Most of the Time)

"Why embracing a "post-seasonal" world isn't the answer." I'm so glad this was written because Amanda Cohen's op Ed telling people to just give up on seasonal and local is not helping us progress. ...
annefood I agree—it is definitely not black and white. The alternative to a tomato out of season is not cereal. People are capable of being mindful, and also making exceptions. Most days I eat applesauce I...
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes this is most definitely a classic example of why we need a better vernacular. The terms are confusing and in fact create a polarizing discussion
If you were a food, what would you be and why?

Have a fun question for everyone! Inquiring minds want to know!
darkchocolatepeanutbutter I would be a banana because I love bright colors and I think I'm sweet :)
sugardetoxme I still love @simransethi's response of a pomegranate, "it's tart and sweet and you have to work to get to the good stuff."
annefood I love her response too @sugardetoxme ! So clever.
How many of us were told (as a child) or tell our children to "eat everything on your plate"?

Reading a book right now that analyzes old behaviors (in times when food was scarce) that can lead to more finicky eating habits or overreating. My mom would often say this line (or some version of...
olivettefarm My Venezuelan mother would not let me leave the table until I cleared my plate. I'm almost 30
now and I can tell she still wants me to when I come visit her :) -
JenniferEmilson This can be dangerous. An inner dialogue is created where even if full there will be a feeling of guilt or necessity to clean the plate. And yet our bodies are saying, 'I'm full, don't need more.'
ziyizero This can be bad since one might become use to eat a large portion and then can stop from eating a lot, or one might starts disliking eating.
How do you Salvage Salad Greens?

@Food52 recently did this post on salvaging salad greens in soup. I just did this with some leftover tatsoi. Sure some of you have tips. Any suggestions?
olivettefarm Love tatsoi! I like to add that to smoothies when I have a ton. I also like to grill romaine heads if they're beginning to wilt.
katewilson Those are good ones. My dad loves spinach in his smoothies. And he's a beast behind the grill! Grilled romaine sounds great with blue cheese. @olivettefarm
sugardetoxme I take my wilty kale and turn it into kale chips. Usually add a little cumin or nutritional yeast for added B vitamins. Bet @serveMEnow @gingerandchorizo @Cravingsinamsterdam @JenniferEmilson and...