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How does this school team % work? Is it the average of everyone’s% who signed up with our school in Fort Worth ISD?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hi @LauraPendergraft - Yep the school % is just an average of the success rates of everyone who has signed up from your school. To get your school % up, the best thing to do is to encourage the...
  • LauraPendergraft Where can I find a list of our school members ?
How do you start your morning?
I put a 16 ounce glass of water by my bedside and drink it immediately after waking up. However, I'm finding that as the weather gets colder, I'm not as willing to drink the water. How do you guys ...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians I love starting the day with a cup of hot water. Especially on cold days, it's soothing, and I can still stay hydrated.
  • LauraPendergraft Wow -hot water. That is an idea I did not think of.
Message Notification - won’t go away??
I have had a 1 listed on my message box for two days and when I go to it, I never see an unopened message to read.
What am I missing????
Can anyone help me, please?
If I have more I can find them ...
what is the ghrelin, and why have i never heard of it before?
Team member NOT in a challenge
If we are in the FitWorth Challenge for FWISD, does it hurt our team %RANK if members are not currently in challenges?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey there! Nope! If they aren’t in the challenge, then their success rate is dropped from the team average. So if someone dropped out for any reason, it’s ok. It’s just important to keep those...
  • LauraPendergraft Yes- thank you!
How do I use a free pass
  • wendypoole I have no idea. I just check the marks. Haha
If you do not add table sugar or honey or sweetener to your bran cereal, does that count as not having sugar?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yep!! But definitely check the ingredient label of whatever you are eating to check if any sugar has been added.
How do I go back to complete for the days my app/ phone had issues?
Chocolate substitutes?
I just started the avoid sweets challenge. I usually eat one square of dark chocolate a day. What are some other ways to get my dark chocolate fix?
How to avoid sugars in coffee or teas?
It's almost impossible to drink a straight cup of black coffee & avoiding sugars.
Any suggestions on how to make coffee or tea taste a little better, need help for the mornings. For me its adding ...