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@Feedback Feeding 5k kicks off! A celebration of ways to reduce food waste
Union Square Park

@sugardetoxme hosts as MC for the day!
DietID_TeamDietitians Small holder farmers lose 15% of income due to food lost on farms
DietID_TeamDietitians From barbara Turk - composting coming to NY city wide in 2018!

Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a few nutritious meals, getting your kids into the kitchen and supporting local food, or even advocatin...
Brianne School gardens need to be a staple!
JamieOliversFoodRevolution @Brianne agree! Some studies have shown that children who grow their own vegetables are five times more likely to eat them.
FarmerDave i second more growing! I've seen it in my own community. Kids and even adults who are part of the growing process have a different appreciation for the food they consume. It's like they treasure...