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Butternut squash, kale and sorghum salad on the blog! Massaging kale is the best.
Butternut squash, kale and sorghum salad on the blog! Massaging kale is the best.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Do you have a kale-massaging tip? How long? Any techniques?
  • foodbymars @Rachna 1tsp olive oil and just rub with your bare hands until you taste a leaf and it's not bitter anymore! About 5 mins.
Paleo Peppermint Patties are a decadent, healthy holiday treat from 🎄❤️🎆😋🎅 Dairy free, diabetic friendly.
Paleo Peppermint Patties are a decadent, healthy holiday treat from 🎄...
Bake my gluten-free Flourless Chocolate Walnut Cookies recipe! Find it on
Bake my gluten-free Flourless Chocolate Walnut Cookies recipe! Find it on
Hainanese Chicken Rice served with My Favorite Dipping Sauces | ginger & chorizo
On the blog now
On the blog now
  • SpiceySpice Wow, poaching only takes an hour after the initial boil for a whole chicken? I'm definitely trying this. I just picked up a bunch of spring onions from the market near me so this is perfect.
  • gingerandchorizo @SpiceySpice yes! Love this method! The meat is so tender and juicy, with the ginger and onion dip , it is surely a winner:)
Smashed Pea toast with Egg
Smashed peas ( peas, olive oil, mint , basil) with a fried egg, white cheddar,  and basil on sour...
Smashed peas ( peas, olive oil, mint , basil) with a fried egg, white cheddar, and basil on sourdough
Simple sprout salad
juice-infused quinoa salad with pistachios | Jackie Newgent
8yr Williamsburg
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
  • NehaNBB This is such a great idea. I would have never thought of cooking my quinoa in juice!
  • Newgent @nehanbb Thanks! Hope you try it! :)
Blueberry Coconut Cake Smoothie (currently writing a blog post with the recipe, link soon to follow)
Blueberry Coconut Cake Smoothie (currently writing a blog post with the recipe, link soon to follow)
Made an Italian roasted beet orzo salad earlier this week. Been having it for lunch everyday - SO yummy.
Blackened Barramundi Sliders with Lemon Tartar Sauce - Australis Barramundi: The Better Fish®
"Best snack ever. The only problem is that you won’t be able to have just one!" #NoFoodWaste #Bar...
"Best snack ever. The only problem is that you won’t be able to have just one!" #NoFoodWaste #BarraMonday Recipe by Nicole Gaffney