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What's the latest on #gmo labeling? Marion Nestle give us an update
Quick summary on the state by state effort to make labeling and transparency a thing. #policynews
How Tech Is Revolutionizing Restaurant Operations -
Food+Tech Meetup (Brooklyn, NY)
- Meetup

The next food tech connect meetup! #foodventure
The food movement is small? Not from where we sit

This is an awesome piece by Anna Lappe on the stats to prove that this is really a movement! #policynews
Looks like California voters are in support of a soda tax and a warning label on sugary beverages
This is great timing since a bill proposing warning labels will hit the house soon #policynews
Fresh Air: How We Learn To Eat

Bee Wilson says that our taste preferences can be formed even before birth. Her new book, 'First Bite,' examines how genetics, culture, memory and early feeding patterns contribute to a child's pal...
Udi Very interesting!
DietID_TeamDietitians I heard this- so important to be feeding nuggets good food early!
Udi But not feeding them nuggets.
A twist on traditional carrot cake. If you think you hate beets, try these.
City of Baltimore

DietID_TeamDietitians Genius recipe. I love carrot cake so much but sometimes am looking for a new kind of sweetness
BigTasteTinySpace The beet flavor is pretty pronounced so it's good but not for the faint of heart.
DietID_TeamDietitians Ah good to know... Have you tried mixing beet and carrot?
McDonald's kale salad is a whopping 730 calories - the identity crisis continues!

So much for turning over a new (green) leaf. #foodfail
Ricky Haha YES. Different source, but I read this article in disbelief. Wasn't it basically that it was worse in every dimension than a Big Mac?
DietID_TeamDietitians Yea worse on all accounts - calories, sodium, fat, processed-ness... Sort of a joke, and frankly drives people back to the misconception that calories are the only thing that matters... You know I...
Seeing Red: Report Finds FDA Fails to Protect Children in Light of New Evidence on Food Dyes
Ricky Interesting. Sounds like yellow number 5 can cause an allergic reaction. I was skeptical that she said her son reacted so quickly but maybe legit even if anecdotal. Sounds also though like it's not...
annefood Reinforces my 'natural is best' policy. And that things which are deemed safe aren't always are.
The Top 5 Food Problems Americans Want the Next President to Fix | Civil Eats

From access to government subsidies to workers’ rights, Americans are increasingly seeing food as political. #policynews