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Foodstand will be at the food+enterprise conference. Are you going?
630 Flushing Ave
Our #spotlight partners Slow Money NYC are hosting an awesome 2 day conference for investors and entrepreneurs in good food. We are hosting a screening on Friday and the pitch fest on Saturday!
Excited for tonight's Foodstand Spotlight. Amazing people with entrepreneurial energy in the same room is always an inspiration
DietID_TeamDietitians See you tonight!!
BijaBhar I'm very excited to be presenting Bija Bhar tonight!
sugardetoxme 97 people and counting! Big event
Beyond excited for this happening
sugardetoxme Brisket all day!
A few shots from FarePlate

A great time was had on Sat at the Refinery Rooftop with tastings, VIP tasting plates with Irish food & drink producers. The menu items in photo are drawn from Imen McDonnell ( new ...
sugardetoxme That looks amazing @bbny. What were key highlights from event? Anything stand out?
bbny I'd say the best part was the buzz - the crowd were awesome & the refinery rooftop did a fab job of incorporating many recipes from the cookbook into tasting plates & stations.
American Raw Milk Cheese Tasting + Celebration
61 Local

I'll be curating this event and would love to see you there! Last year it was a great success and we had a full turnout. This year, we are making it an even bigger party!
"The time is approaching:...
This promises to be a great event
Michael Pollan: Times Talks
Directors Guild Theater

Who was there last night? So inspiring!
DietID_TeamDietitians ah how was this!?
simplywithout It was amazing @Rachna Inspired as ever, he's such a great speaker!
Spanish Grapes Film Screening & Wine Pairing Dinner | Highlands Dinner Club | RSVP Pop-up Restaurants | Curated Gastronomic Experiences

"Hosted at Exhibit C, Highlands Dinner Club and Fork Monkey present a curated film screening and dinner featuring filmmaker Zev Robinson's documentary, Spanish Grapes. An exploration of the histor...
Spanish Gold Film Screening & Olive Oil Dinner | Highlands Dinner Club | RSVP Pop-up Restaurants | Curated Gastronomic Experiences

"Hosted at Exhibit C, Highlands Dinner Club and Fork Monkey present a curated film screening and dinner featuring filmmaker Zev Robinson's documentary, Spanish Gold. An exploration of agricultural...