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"The Trouble with Iowa"

Corn, corruption, and the presidential caucuses. #policynews
"Taxing Red Meat Could Be Key to Fighting Climate Change"

And it could keep humanity healthier. #policynews
"Soil Should Be the Foundation of Food, Water, and Energy Policy"

"All roads lead back to soil," said Chef Dan Barber... #policynews
Agriculture, Iowa and the White House

Farm policy was a major debate topic in Iowa, and there are more issues for the White House hopefuls to hash out. #policynews
Why Organic Food Might Be Worth the High Price

A new study says organic food has many advantages
France becomes first country to force all supermarkets to give unsold food to needy.

Given that 1 and 4 children in the U.S. Goes to bed hungry and 48 million Americans live in food insecure households, this is a HUGE precedent. I hope that U.S. Can follow France's lead. #NoFoodWaste
DietID_TeamDietitians It's so insane that this isn't happening already everywhere
sugardetoxme Hopefully this is the first of many. Given that Obama is tackling food waste, I would imagine this becomes a policy as long as grocery stores are not held liable for any "tainted" food
Udi This podcast gives a bit of the crazy history for how we got to where we are on this in the US
The Real Problem with School Lunch

Excellent article on the issues of school lunches here in America. A new film says that the chefs in Normandy spends less per lunch then we do in our schools in the United States and those kids are...
What would happen if we all stopped eating meat?

@Vice touches upon the subject in this brief interview.