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This MIT Eco-Startup Wants You to Grow Veggies With Your Fish Tank |
"Grove is betting its flagship product--a fish tank doubling as a food-growing ecosystem--could c...
The best god damn (excuse my French) gluten-free pasta I've EVER had.
Parm Upper West Side
Egg whites, one egg yolk (to get some of those essential fatty acids) and a little pepper jack ch...
Interested in learning more about how to recycle your inedible food scraps?
Sustainable America (, BioCycle magazine (, and the I...
Does anyone still make sassafras tea?
I've always loved the lemony smell of sassafras, which is fairly easy to spot in the woods with i...
Stuck for dinner ideas? Find out when your local supermarket marks down food each day, and shop for some cheap eat inspiration! #NoFoodWaste
Octopus Salami. Need I say more?
Great feature in Edible by @suzanne about this community! --> This App Helps Connect and Educate Well-Intentioned Eaters
Great shoutout for all the amazing #NoFoodWaste posts coming from the community.
I tried something new today: Peruvian Groundcherry, aka Golden Berry or Cape Gooseberry. And if y...
City of Toronto
My favorite and arguably most delicious #nofoodwaste tip!
Take all the bits and pieces and on their last leg veggies in your fridge at the end of the week ...