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Foodstand is the US digital action arm all this month for @jaimeoliver #FoodRevolution! We want t...
Foodstand is the US digital action arm all this month for @jaimeoliver #FoodRevolution! We want to see you get back in the kitchen and share your good and nutritious recipes and your kitchen tips! ...
Kohlrabi makes a fun healthy snack. Thus I thought I d share its 15 nutritional benefits, - quite impressive.
"Kohlrabi is actually a German term for  ”cabbage turnip”.  It belongs to the cruciferous vegetab...
"Kohlrabi is actually a German term for  ”cabbage turnip”.  It belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family just like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens and Brussels sprouts.Even th…"
  • DietID_TeamDietitians A fun kohlrabi recipe - Shred it and mix with an egg and a few tablespoons of flour or breadcrumbs. Heat oil or butter in a flat skillet, drop on small mounds, and flatten slightly with the back of...
  • AnitaD I finally got my boyfriend to try it. It was a bit daunting to him in it's raw form, so I steamed it and added it to a pasta dish. #FoodRevolution
  • JenniferEmilson I make latkes with it, kind of like your recipe @rachna and also shred it into salads or roast rounds in the oven and drizzle garlic aioli over it. I'll even it it like an apple!
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The Basics of Grilling Meat
Russell Moore from Camino is the fireplace master! And this is an awesome guide to make something...
Russell Moore from Camino is the fireplace master! And this is an awesome guide to make something that seems daunting a little more approachable. #FoodRevolution #kitchentips
Let your kids use sharp knives and hot stoves - awesome article about the future of our kids in the kitchen!
Seven ways we can get a grip on our fears or controlling behaviors and inspire our kids to cook i...
Seven ways we can get a grip on our fears or controlling behaviors and inspire our kids to cook instead.
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Wherever I grow spinach lamb's quarters is sure to follow. More nutritious, better tasting (buttery almonds, yum) and free! Often deemed a weed these days, humans have eaten it for thousands of yea...
10yr Floyd, Virginia
Wherever I grow spinach lamb's quarters is sure to follow. More nutritious, better tasting (butte...
I tried something new today: Peruvian Groundcherry, aka Golden Berry or Cape Gooseberry. And if you're in Hawaii, the Poha, and in India, Ras Bhari. Not too tart, not too sweet. #FoodRevolution #fo...
10yr City of Toronto
I tried something new today: Peruvian Groundcherry, aka Golden Berry or Cape Gooseberry. And if y...
Sign the petition for better school food
Today I learned how to forage for ramps. We went back into the bush where there are loads of patches; we learned what to take and what to leave for seed for continued propagation. Our lunch today: ...
10yr City of Toronto
Today I learned how to forage for ramps. We went back into the bush where there are loads of patc...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Whoa! What's the trick for foraging these?
  • JenniferEmilson First, you need a small trowel or weeding tool. You look for larger plants, and then only go for the centre ramps- they are larger, more mature. The younger ones are always around the outer edges...
  • JenniferEmilson Oh- you need to go into the dirt with a digging tool, being careful not to break the stems @Rachna
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I'm celebrating #FoodRevolution Day by sharing a post by the NYCEDC on their NYC Fancy Food Fellow program.
10yr Brooklyn, NY
 Read it here: