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I need tips on how to avoid sweets when you have to be in the same room as them for a long time.
In Jazz class, the teacher always has sweets and its hard to say no when the table is right next ...
Is Honey harmful as a white sugar? In India, honey is regarded as a medication for lots of issues.
How to Cook Greens: Recipes, Cooking and Storing Tips
"We all know that eating greens is good for us, but what if we are not sure how to prepare them? ...
Keeping an enormous pot of veggie minestrone in the fridge is my favorite winter trick for easy meals throughout the week. Plus it's packed with veggies and is super hydrating.
Day 13/14: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level III
Guilty free desert - walnuts, raw cacao, dates, coconut oil - put in the food processor and roll! No processed sugar, no dairy. Mmm :)
Day 3/14: Cook Dinner More Often Level IV
City of San Francisco
My new blog! Just Enough, Well Fed - A little piece about your liver :)
"Forget the wellness tonics and and juice cleanses, let me introduce your body's best friend."
Does anyone know some fun or life hacks to use while doing the one bite at a time challenge? Anything is a good idea for me😂
Replacing One Sugary Drink With Water Improves Health
"If people replace just one calorie-laden drink with water, they can reduce body weight and impro...
Good health in the new year isn't a get-skinny diet, or a miracle superfood. Instead, the best pi...
Creatine's Not For Teens, But Are Budding Bodybuilders Listening?
"Researchers who surveyed 244 shops across the U.S. found that, despite label warnings, two third...