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ShaperTalk w/ Oliver Zahn (Impossible Foods)
The chief data scientist at Impossible Foods -- which is intelligently transforming plants into t...
WeWork Transbay
Dinner last night - bowl magic!
Day 3/7: Eat Real Food Level II Cooked up lentils and quinoa for the week and added carrots, aru...
Almost done! Packed in bell peppers and arugula in steamed lentils
Day 29/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV I used a steam cooker to prep the...
Jar meals have helped me stay on track while running around
Day 28/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV Goat yogurt with banana, muesli, ...
Late-night snack attack: There are ways to fight back
"New Year’s resolutions are no match for the late-night snack attack: People who count every calo...
Whole Grains: What You Need to Know
Don't let the label mislead you - stick to breads that are 100% whole grains with no added sugar ...
First time ordering out this year. Still keeping it healthy-- post work out -- quinoa, hummus, veggie wrap and a protein shake ❤️Dinner will of course be cooked 😊
Day 4/30: Cook Dinner More Often Level V
Bay Club San Francisco
How to Stock a Healthy Pantry | Food & Wine
I have most of these things in my pantry, and they have made it easy to eat veggies with everythi...
10 Healthy Eating Challenges That Affect Us All and How to Conquer Them
"Life is busy and times are tough. Motivation is fleeting and temptations are everywhere."
Need a help
The program is telling me to enter a code but when I try, the program does not recognize it. Is t...