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A Cluttered Kitchen Can Nudge Us To Overeat, Study Finds
So fascinating! 40% more calories of snacks were eaten in the cluttered kitchens. "Earlier resear...
So fascinating! 40% more calories of snacks were eaten in the cluttered kitchens. "Earlier research found that people in a messy work area were less likely to choose healthy snacks. Now a study hin...
Can Hobbit Tourism Save These Troubled Dairy Farmers?
"New Zealand farmer Ian Diprose used to count on the dairy industry for most of his income. Today...
"New Zealand farmer Ian Diprose used to count on the dairy industry for most of his income. Today, he relies on tourism." #foodnews
Flint Water Response Perfectly Captures The Difference Between Bernie Sanders And Hillary Clinton
"Flint's mayor endorsed Clinton on Tuesday." This article is from a month back but I'm curious as...
"Flint's mayor endorsed Clinton on Tuesday." This article is from a month back but I'm curious as to what Flint residents think about the two political candidates responses on the ground. Obviously...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Ya this is so true... I hope they talk about food policy soon because I feel like the responses may fall into the same camp. I'm not sure what "pragmatic" vs. lofty looks like in terms of food...
  • sugardetoxme @Rachna and from someone in Michigan
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yep... It's such a disgrace what's happening. Makes me only worry about the stuff we don't know yet
See all 4 comments...
Seeing Red: Report Finds FDA Fails to Protect Children in Light of New Evidence on Food Dyes
  • Ricky Interesting. Sounds like yellow number 5 can cause an allergic reaction. I was skeptical that she said her son reacted so quickly but maybe legit even if anecdotal. Sounds also though like it's not...
  • annefood Reinforces my 'natural is best' policy. And that things which are deemed safe aren't always are.
Mars to Remove All Dyes from M&Ms and Other Foods
Stadiums Score with Farm-to-Game Eats | Civil Eats
Across the nation, sports fans are being offered fresh, healthy fare in stadiums. #foodnews
Across the nation, sports fans are being offered fresh, healthy fare in stadiums. #foodnews
Cooked: First look at new Michael Pollan Netflix documentary series
Organic Farming Could, Maybe, Feed The World, Say Scientists
California’s Grand Plan to Fight Climate Change on the Farm | Civil Eats
Jerry Brown and other lawmakers are helping California farmers fight climate change. #foodnews
Jerry Brown and other lawmakers are helping California farmers fight climate change. #foodnews