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Peaches n' cream
Don't miss the fig and honey gelato at Dolce Gelateria
Dolce Gelateria

JenniferEmilson Sounds wonderful
Confession: I had some version of strawberries and cream twice today in Paris. Strawberries here are immensely sweeter and more flavorful than those Driscoll ones so ubiquitous in America

JenniferEmilson Haha- we get the Driscolls up here in Toronto as well. Europe's fruit and veggies are on a higher plane!
And dessert. Caramelized bananas, dulce de leche, cookie crumbles and fresh cream
Abraxas North (אברקסס צפון)

JenniferEmilson Yummm!
The best cauliflower experience of my life, thanks to North Abraxas restaurant in Tel Aviv. A must-visit if you're here.
Abraxas North (אברקסס צפון)

Hiral Check out my whole roasted cauliflower post today!!
Can anyone explain these precious pale strawberries found in Tokyo? Price: $60. At a store called Sun Fruits that treats fruits like rare and expensive works of art. Also found: $100 musk melon.
サン・フルーツ (Sun Fruits) 東京ミッドタウン店

Therecessbelle I would kill for a pack of this right now!