In case you're planning on staying home and having a chinese Saturday...homemade is way better than take-out! I made Mongolian beef in honor of finishing Netflix's new $90M series Marco Polo. recipe on my blog( Enjoy! It's deeeelish.
Beef Flank Steak, Brown Sugar, Buttermilk, Canola Oil, Sriracha Sauce, Garlic, Milk, Soy Sauce, Corn Starch, Fresh ginger, Water
When the weather is hot as hell🔥and your friends are all type-A freaks obsessing about their beach-ready have 2 options: a) shut off your phone and hit your hidden stash of cupcakes or...

shannonvittoria Wow these look so good!
TheGrumpyGourmand Thanks @shannonvittoria only 4 or 5 are grumpy originals the others are curated from the Internet. But I will be testing them out and hopefully improving upon them this summer! Can't wait to try...