Spicy Tingly Lamb's Face Salad at dusk... Go between meal hours for elbow room.
Just for Fun
Cinnamon, Cucumber, Domestic Lamb, Fresh Cilantro, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Sesame Oil, Soy Sauce, Mung bean sprouts, Star anise, Ground cumin, Scallion, Chinese celery, Chinkiang Vinegar
Foodielicioushi 10yr Yum!
Curious about your opinions on latte art - true artistry or wasted effort?
I can appreciate a good latte or cappuccino even without the decorative foam flourish.
Just give me my coffee!
La Colombe Torrefaction
DietID_TeamDietitians I tend to love it. It feels so much more special than just a drink to start your day. When a barista spends an extra few seconds on latte art, it makes me feel like the latte is made with more...
JenniferEmilson Too true!