Eat Real Food, Avoid Added Sugar, Eat More Fruits & Veggies Per Day, Avoid Fast Food, Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy, Avoid Sugar at Breakfast, Eat Less Animal Products, Eat Less Meat
Almond Milk, Apple, Banana, Pear
annefood 8yr Fab @eleanekollia !
eleanekollia 8yr @annefood 💕
Around Easter there are always extra boiled eggs in the fridge to use for a healthy snack!
annefood Perfect snack!
eleanekollia @annefood it keeps you full until dinner !
I'm starting this 30 day challenge tomorrow.. who's with me?
annefood Awesome @eleanekollia ! You can do it! I'm doing a 30 burpees per day for 30 days challenge right now. Day 24! At the beginning I broke them into 3 sets of 10, but now I can do 15 in a row without...
eleanekollia @annefood oh my god so proud of u! Keep going
annefood Thanks!