Urban Food Policy Forum: What Would it Take to Grow a Regional Food Economy?

Part of our Urban Food Policy Forum series.
RSVP: http://www.cunyurbanfoodpolicy.org/events/2017/4/25/urban-food-policy-forum-what-would-it-take-to-grow-a-regional-food-economy
CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
55 West 125th Street, NY NY 10027, 7th floor
Farmers in Upstate New York provide downstate markets with a wide range of agricultural products. Yet there is still enormous potential for growth. By strengthening the linkages between the two regions New York can become a model for values-driven local food procurement. The CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute is hosting a forum to explore some of the work already moving us in this direction and discuss the opportunities and challenges of expanding regional food procurement and consumption. Panelists: Nathan Berger, Long Island Coordinator, Rural Migrant Ministries
Olivia Blanchflower, Director of Wholesale and Distribution, GrowNYC
Kathleen Finlay, President, Glynwood
Dan Horan, Chief Executive Officer, Five Acre Farms
Kimberly Vallejo, Director of Marketing and Outreach - New York City, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
This forum is the first of a two part series looking at regional food issues in coordination with our colleagues at the New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College. You can find further details on the second installment here. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/saving-regional-farms-why-every-new-yorker-should-care-tickets-32099694049?utm_campaign=April+12%2C+2017&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Food+Policy+Watch+%284%2F12%2F17%29