Make Your Lunch More Often
Almond Butter, Lime Juice, Peanut Butter Chunky, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Sesame Seeds, Shrimp, Chili paste, Mixed greens, Fish sauce, Apple Cider Vinegar, Chinese Noodles
emmie 8yr This looks so good!
garv 8yr Yum
All credits go to my grandma- Chinese scallions pancake.

DietID_TeamDietitians I grew up eating scallion pancakes every week, but I've never attempted to make them. Was it easy??
Kitty @Rachna yes it was really easy. Comfort food all the way🙈
The beauty of buttery layers- hybrid of American biscuit and British scone. #holidaybaking

DietID_TeamDietitians **DROOL** @kitty this is inspiring me to bake something tonight =)
I love British scone but it lacks the flakiness of an authentic American buttery biscuit. So why not combine the two? #holidaybaking

DietID_TeamDietitians Do you have a recipe?