Just for Fun
Almonds, Dark Chocolate 70-85% Cacao, Vanilla Ice Cream, White Chocolate, Nutella, Salted Caramel, Homemade nutella, Brownie bits
DietID_TeamDietitians 8yr ❤️❤️❤️❤️
mirasingh 8yr wow this looks amazing!!
garv 8yr Thanks @mirasingh !
What an idea!! This is why I miss America!!
"The Seattle-based Eat with Muslims project aims to break down barriers between non-Muslims and the Muslim-American community through food and conversation."
annefood Very cool!
I’m back & aiming for a clean sweep (100% success rate )
So , I let go of my diet & somehow couldn’t get out of the ‘let’s cheat one more day’ mode!! Here I am , taking up this challenge yet again , training hard & get back to a better lifestyle!
Superfoods in your backyard: Now, entrepreneurs source quinoa, chia, amaranth and avocado locally, say no to import - Mumbai Mirror
"More Indians want to include high-nutrient foods like quinoa, chia, amaranth and avocado in their diet. Now, a host of entrepreneurs are sourcing these products locally rather than depending on im...
DietID_TeamDietitians love this! I'm so glad that people are opting for locally sourced!
garv @Rachna there’s a lot happening here . The local movement is just about beginning !
My favourite challenge = Goals
I Keep going back to this challenge until it becomes a lifestyle. Aiming for a clean streak the next time around!