Hours are really important. Not everyone can get out of work to get food. This is also an issue with farmers markets and CSAs. Markets usually close at 5pm at the latest. I don't expect the farmer who has worked all day to stick around, but if it were open later, I would shop there more often. With CSAs, I've found that pick up times are usually in the afternoon, and I can't leave work to get my food. This definitely is a *first world* example, but if it's hard for someone like me who has access to good food, I can only imagine how difficult it is for more underserved communities.
@mirasingh really good point. I feel the same way--I can't get to our closest farmers market before it closes (at 2pm!) during the week either. I would definitely shop there and more easily support local farmers if I could stop by on my way home from work!
I miss those so much! When in tech and living in Palo Alto, I used to "work from home" on the Santa Cruz market days when those would come in season. The writing was on the wall that I'd end up...
#FoodNews: 'AeroFarms has put $30m into a green revolution that seeks to produce more crops in less space, but whether it’s economically viable is an open question'
The vertical farm trend really bothers me. I can't put my finger on exactly why but it feels like the wrong shade of "green."
@MargaretG I totally feel you! I think it can definitely be hard to digest...especially when ideally we'd like to see and are working towards the return to small farms and localized production. If...
Totally agree @etsummer I'm not an anti-innovation person so I'm happy to see progress that unlocks supply of fresh food in communities that need it most. But we need lots of aerofarms to tip the...