Reel Food Screening & Discussion: Food, Inc.

Excellent Film. Must watch. "We continue our series of film screenings focused on issues of food justice and equity with the Academy Award-nominated documentary Food, Inc., which takes a critical look at corporate farming in the United States. Introduction and post-screening discussion led by Saara Nafici, Executive Director of Added Value Farms, a Brooklyn-based, youth-led urban farming and compost operation. Catch the theatrical trailer here. 
Presented in conjunction with BHS's exhibition, "Hidden in Plain Sight: Portraits of Hunger in NYC." 
Reel Food Screening & Discussion: Food, Inc. Mon, Jul 18, 6:30 pm Free
Your registration helps us to gauge attendance for this program, but please note that it does not guarantee seating. Seating at this program will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The doors open at 6pm and the program begins at 6:30pm."