Eating Insects Detroit 🐛🐜
(Because you know you want to) "Welcome to Eating Insects Detroit, a three-day, international, interdisciplinary conference dedicated to insects as food and feed.
Registration is now open for conference attendance and expo vendors. You can learn more about the event, including how to submit an abstract to be a presenter, at
Conference registration:
Registration fee gets you access to all three days of programming, coffee breaks, and processing fees. Lunch is not included in your registration fee, but convenient food options will be available each day for purchase. Events are being planned for each night. You will receive an email with ticket information once those are announced.
Early bird fee is currently available as we work out the details of what we are able to offer. Fee includes up to two people with full conference registration, space on our expo floor, and advertising on-site and in the program. Details on the expo floor (number of hours/days that it will be open) are still being worked out. Rates will significantly increase once we know exactly how much exposure we will be able to give.
Payment processing:
All payments are being accepted through PayPal, which requires a debit or credit card. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can easily set one up for free when checking out.
Refunds will be given, minus 10%, up until May 1, 2016."