cheesegrotto 9yr Looks so good. Did I hear I can stop in for free broth at some point in the day?
katewilson 9yr I LOVE LOVE LOVE @diginn. My go-to lunch spot
DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr This is my fav winter time lunch. Ever!
sugardetoxme 9yr I think you can get free broth from 3-5. @diginn you should post that as an "Offer"
diginn 9yr This promo ended in February, but we're looking to extend it for Foodstand users. Stay tuned ;)
sugardetoxme 9yr 🤘🏽
Georegulus 9yr I am loving your farro and butternut squash. Not in Manhattan often though. Wish you were here in Brooklyn.
mirasingh 9yr Broth happy hour? How did I miss this?
olivettefarm 9yr Yum!
SimplySeema 9yr Yum! Love Dig Inn💖