Museum of the African Diaspora
What People are Saying
"Museum of the Africa Diaspora
Chef-in-Residence Bryant Terry
Food From Across Africa
Discussion, Reception, and Book Signing
With The Groundnut from South London
Saturday, June 18th | 2–4pm
Museum of the African Diaspora
685 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94105
$60 general admission | $50 for MoAD members
Admission includes a hardcover copy of The Groundnut’s new cookbook Food from Across Africa along with sips and bites inspired by recipes in the book prepared by the People’s Kitchen Collective.
The Groundnut is a collective of three mixed African European chefs who invite us into their kitchen to share food inspired by staples, flavor profiles, and classic dishes of East and West Africa reimagined in their Western European home base and beyond. In their supper club, pop-up dinners, and their new cookbook they capture the essence of contemporary African cuisine.
The Chef in Residence Program is generously underwritten by Kaiser Permanente"