Ditmas Park
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So it's 93° with a real feel of 104°. Yesterday the heat kept me out of the kitchen but today these ripening called to me. It's a recipe from the South that I learned about four years ago, and the absolute most delicious way to use up the lbs and lbs of tomatoes coming from the garden every day. I made six. #auriasmalaysiankitchen #thesamballady #tomatoes #nomnomnom #pie

One final haul from the garden. I think I'm going to have to fry up all these green tomatoes. Next up - planting the Fall garden. Tips and expertise welcome as I've never done it before. What have you had luck with? What not? #auriasmalaysiankitchen #thesamballady #urbangarden #homegrown #brooklyn #greentomatoes #foodpicoftheday #nofilter

Roasted chickpea snack. Dry roast for 30 minutes at 400°. Toss with salt, curry powder (or whatever seasonings you prefer) and a teeny scoash of olive oil. Then roast for another 30 minutes. So #crispy #salty #good I bet you'll eat 'em all in one go. PS watch them closely in the last 10 minutes so they don't burn. #auriasmalaysiankitchen #thesamballady #chickpeas #foodpics #nomnom #yum #buzzfeast #eatthemall #didIuseenoughhashtags