Queens County Farm Museum
What People are Saying
"Join the NYC Compost Project to learn how to reduce your waste and create "black gold" for your garden by composting leaves, kitchen scraps, garden trimmings and weeds. This workshop will cover the essentials of outdoor composting in an urban setting. Participants will take home a sample of finished Queens Farm compost for their home garden."

"Join us in the kitchen of our historic farmhouse and learn how early settlers prepared food using an open hearth. Original 18th century recipes, traditional cooking utensils, and the warm embers of the fire will bring history to life as participants assist in preparing and sampling several delightful dishes. This class will be taught by Chris Lord-Barry, a veteran Queens Farm educator with a personal passion for historic cookery. Participants will receive modern adaptations of all recipes to try at home."

"Edible wild plants grow all around us! Often deemed as weeds, they take root in city parks, gardens, and sidewalk crevices. Queens Farm is host to a variety of wild edibles in our woodlands, pollinator gardens, and pathway edges. Join expert Leda Meredith for this hands-on exploration of our grounds and learn to safely identify, sustainably harvest, and enjoy wild, seasonal ingredients. Leda will describe flavors, provide suggestions for preparation, and give tips on preservation for year-round use. We recommend bringing comfortable walking shoes, a water bottle, and a notebook and/or camera to document your discoveries.
Leda Meredith holds a certificate in Ethnobotany from the New York Botanical Garden, where she is also an instructor. She frequently leads foraging tours, food preservation demos, and teaches medicinal and edible plant workshops for organizations including the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Slow Food NYC, and Just Food. She has authored numerous books on foraging, food preservation, and sustainable food systems."