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The fight for healthy school food can’t afford to take summer vacation.
"Summer break is approaching, but we can’t lose sight of what is happening in our public schools....
"Summer break is approaching, but we can’t lose sight of what is happening in our public schools. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue…"
Westhaven sugar free yoghurt for the Aussie's out there
Went shopping recently and usually I NEVER by yoghurt because of the added sugars in every single...
Went shopping recently and usually I NEVER by yoghurt because of the added sugars in every single one. A friend recommended me westhaven and I bought the apricot one. Made in tassie, sugar free, re...
Today's lunch consisted of yesterday's bolognese sauce and boiled veggies! What a better way to avoid fast food and use leftovers?
eleanekollia's post
This Is How Your Body Detoxes | Nutrition Stripped™
"A quick primer on how your body detoxes naturally to keep you healthy through digestion, metabol...
"A quick primer on how your body detoxes naturally to keep you healthy through digestion, metabolism, protection, and your immune response."
7yr Saronno
Day 5/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV
Day 5/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV
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Countless loads of laundry. Really tired because of baby #2. Tried to pick the most healthiest option at subway.
Day 9/30: Avoid Fast Food Level IV
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Try Cinnamon in Your Coffee Instead of Cream and Sugar | Greatist
"Here's why you should consider changing up your morning routine."
"Here's why you should consider changing up your morning routine."
  • Bigo I tried cinnamon in my coffee but was very disappointed. However, I used far less than a teaspoon. I'll try again with more cinnamon. :D
  • annefood I'm sorry to hear that @Bigo ! I have not yet had a chance to try. Let me know how it goes with more.
  • cathyG I brew my coffee with cinnamon. I found that adding it to already brewed coffee just added a film, and a bit of a grainy bitter textural experience.
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One if my new fave dishes - sprouted mung bean citrus salad!
Day 2/14: Fill 50% of your plate with Fruits and Veggies Level IV
Day 2/14: Fill 50% of your plate with Fruits and Veggies Level IV
  • gingerandchorizo Looks yummy!
  • garv Nice! I do a warm pesto sprouts & veggie bowl for dinner. Try it sometime!
No sugary breakfast!
Day 8/30: Eat Real Food Level IV

Avo toast with onions jalapeños and topped with an egg. The toa...
Day 8/30: Eat Real Food Level IV Avo toast with onions jalapeños and topped with an egg. The toast is organic spelt bread, which has no added sugar.
  • ItsAlexa Actually had this meal this morning after my morning workout and it is one of my faves! I had an citrus-avo smash on two spelt sourdough toasts topped with some leafy greens, two poached eggs and a...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yum!! The added leafy greens are a great addition for more nutrients. 😍
  • DietID_TeamDietitians 👍👍this definitely is a delicious dinner as well :)
I went at a vegan restaurant yesterday! I'm not vegan but it was amazing😱 if you happen to visit Athens, pass by avocado restaurant
eleanekollia's post
  • annefood My husband and I went to an amazing vegan restaurant in Croatia on our honeymoon by accident. He is definitely not vegan but LOVED it. We both did.
  • eleanekollia @annefood I love vegan recipes!