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Looks like California voters are in support of a soda tax and a warning label on sugary beverages
This is great timing since a bill proposing warning labels will hit the house soon #policynews
The food movement is small? Not from where we sit

This is an awesome piece by Anna Lappe on the stats to prove that this is really a movement! #policynews
The Top 5 Food Problems Americans Want the Next President to Fix | Civil Eats

From access to government subsidies to workers’ rights, Americans are increasingly seeing food as political. #policynews
The Woman Fighting to Make Sustainability Part of the American Diet | Civil Eats

Dr. Miriam Nelson was a key figure behind the effort to work sustainability into the nation’s dietary guidelines. #ladyboss #policynews
DietID_TeamDietitians I wish sustainability made it to the final guidelines =/
annefood Seriously.
What's the latest on #gmo labeling? Marion Nestle give us an update
Quick summary on the state by state effort to make labeling and transparency a thing. #policynews
Plate of the Union: Petition to our next President

Take action to tell the next president to fix our broken food system. #policynews
"Soil Should Be the Foundation of Food, Water, and Energy Policy"

"All roads lead back to soil," said Chef Dan Barber... #policynews
Agriculture, Iowa and the White House

Farm policy was a major debate topic in Iowa, and there are more issues for the White House hopefuls to hash out. #policynews