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Westhaven sugar free yoghurt for the Aussie's out there
Went shopping recently and usually I NEVER by yoghurt because of the added sugars in every single...
Today's lunch consisted of yesterday's bolognese sauce and boiled veggies! What a better way to avoid fast food and use leftovers?
This Is How Your Body Detoxes | Nutrition Stripped™
"A quick primer on how your body detoxes naturally to keep you healthy through digestion, metabol...
Day 5/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV
Countless loads of laundry. Really tired because of baby #2. Tried to pick the most healthiest option at subway.
Day 9/30: Avoid Fast Food Level IV
Try Cinnamon in Your Coffee Instead of Cream and Sugar | Greatist
"Here's why you should consider changing up your morning routine."
One if my new fave dishes - sprouted mung bean citrus salad!
Day 2/14: Fill 50% of your plate with Fruits and Veggies Level IV
No sugary breakfast!
Day 8/30: Eat Real Food Level IV Avo toast with onions jalapeños and topped with an egg. The toa...
I went at a vegan restaurant yesterday! I'm not vegan but it was amazing😱 if you happen to visit Athens, pass by avocado restaurant
Clean Sweep!
Went for the kill on this one! I wish my grades back in school were just as good!!