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Spinach salad with tomatoes, feta cheese & walnuts - corn on the cob, unsweetened iced tea
Day 3/7: Eat Real Food Level I
Grilled steak, veggies, corn on the cob & wine!
joannaanselme's post
Chicken, green beans, salad, beer
Day 1/7: Eat Real Food Level I
Day 1/7: Eat Real Food Level I
  • Lansing5 Lunch- sweet potatoes & wild rice. Dinner small bowl chili with salad.
  • joannaanselme Your food yesterday sounds yummy!! And healthy!!
  • Hcox5772 I’m starting today!!
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I conquered the The Avoid Sweets Challenge - 7 days!
Randa's post
πŸŒΌπŸ˜πŸ’šβ€πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’– trying to stay away from sweets.. anyone else?
elina_sjoblom's post
  • isaacstsi I like sweets, especially wholesome, naturally-occuring sugars, such as found in fruits, vegetables, even nuts, seeds, and grains. However, I certainly would like my body to be as healthy and vital...
  • Mandi47 Also avoiding sweets here too. It’s definitely my weak point.
  • Thegusia Same here! No sweets from now on πŸ’ͺ🏻
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I conquered the The 8 Glasses of Water a Day Challenge - 7 days!
Mtraviscash's post
Broccoli, Asparagus, sweet potatoes, 2 eggs
Day 1/7: Eat Real Food Level I
Day 1/7: Eat Real Food Level I
Just started my No Sugar challenge right before X-mas😬
After a major chocolate binge I have decided to start this challenge. I won’t just push my body into a healthier stage, but I will also push my brain into saying β€œNo” to a table full of Christmas c...
I conquered the The Avoid Fast Food Challenge - 7 days!
RUSHIL's post
I conquered the The Avoid Fast Food Challenge - 7 days!
Carlywidjaya's post