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Got some overly ripped tomatoes on the kitchen counter so I made a sauce with them for my sunny side up and homemade buckwheat toast fingers, started the day thinking of #NoFoodWaste!
Got some overly ripped tomatoes on the kitchen counter so I made a sauce with them for my sunny s...
We're ready for #NoFoodWaste November! Thanks to Foodstand for rallying the community to reduce food waste. Visit for tips and tools! #ivaluefood
We're ready for #NoFoodWaste November! Thanks to Foodstand for rallying the community to reduce f...
  • sugardetoxme Great to have you on board. Welcome to the community.
I picked up einkorn berries from Union Square Market back in the summer. These little guys are amazing. Because of the structure of this ancient grain, many wheat and gluten sufferers can enjoy the...
8yr Grand Harbour Condos
I picked up einkorn berries from Union Square Market back in the summer. These little guys are am...
Leftover Chicken Breast, made into Taquitos for a delicious Monday night at Casa de Aguilar. #NoFoodWaste
Leftover Chicken Breast, made into Taquitos for a delicious Monday night at Casa de Aguilar.  #No...
Not only are kohlrabi bulbs delicious, but so are the greens! Be sure not to toss them. They cook much like collards do. We've been loving them with a bit of sesame oil and soy sauce. #NoFoodWaste
Not only are kohlrabi bulbs delicious, but so are the greens! Be sure not to toss them. They cook...
Getting ready to make turkey stock. The kitchen is going to smell good!!! Don't waste the onion peels (or any peels) for stock. The onion peels will even add to the colour of the stock! #NoFoodWaste
8yr Grand Harbour Condos
Getting ready to make turkey stock. The kitchen is going to smell good!!! Don't waste the onion p...
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Late night working on our Dolce course for tomorrow's Friendsgiving Pop-Up: Merlot & Sambuca Poached Pears will be served w/ a Lavender Ice Cream As chefs we portion strategically to create a p...
8yr Hesperides Organica Coop
Late night working on our Dolce course for tomorrow's Friendsgiving Pop-Up: 

Merlot & Sambuca Po...
  • AMK Beautiful. Yummy too, I bet!!!
After Thanksgiving dinner. Beautiful nutrient- filled turkey bone broth. #NoFoodWaste
After Thanksgiving dinner. Beautiful nutrient- filled turkey bone broth. #NoFoodWaste
Pie for breakfast... #nofoodwaste
Pie for breakfast... #nofoodwaste
An "everything from the fridge" omelette #nofoodwaste
An "everything from the fridge" omelette #nofoodwaste