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  • JulieLa Does coffee count if it has flavored creamer in it?
How do I use a free pass
  • wendypoole I have no idea. I just check the marks. Haha
Familie diner @ my parents ๐Ÿ˜€ So I didn't cook myself, but it was an homecooked diner ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‹
Day 1/3: Cook Dinner More Often Level II
I simply brought or leftover dinner; salmon abaked potato & salad.
Day 1/7: Make Your Lunch More Often Level IV
Orzo with cherry tomatos and shrimp
Day 2/7: Cook Dinner More Often Level IV
Day 2/7: Cook Dinner More Often Level IV
Curry with spinach and sweet patatoes
Day 13/14: Cook Dinner More Often Level V
Day 13/14: Cook Dinner More Often Level V
Would you guys count Applebeeโ€™s as fast food?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Applebees is borderline. I'd say if you get a healthier option, like a mostly veggies dish from there, then it wouldn't count as fast food. Hope that helps!
How can I retrieve my completion certificate?
Pay it forward today.
Not sure if it's just me, but I'm feeling a lot of stress in people around me. So, today, instead...
Not sure if it's just me, but I'm feeling a lot of stress in people around me. So, today, instead of adding to it when someone random stressed at me in traffic, I decided to change the trajectory ...
  • Emma What a lovely idea! Thanks for the inspiration, @MargaretG
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter That's beautiful :) I also believe that the best medicine for stress is spreading loving kindness.
  • garv Super idea. Most will never practise this. Very Very nice of you!
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Elderberries in the wild
9yr Floyd, Virginia
Elderberries in the wild