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On a food adventure in Flushing, at a tiny hole-in-the-wall Indonesian spot called Sky Cafe. They had Sambal Petai - aka Stink Beans! Bliss!
10yr Sky Cafe
On a food adventure in Flushing, at a tiny hole-in-the-wall Indonesian spot called Sky Cafe. They...
Shrimp, zukes, peppers and onions marinated in Lime Leaf Sambal and cooking on the grill. #auriasmalaysiankitchen #thesamballady
10yr Brooklyn, NY
Shrimp, zukes, peppers and onions marinated in Lime Leaf Sambal and cooking on the grill. #aurias...
Shrimp, zukes, peppers and onions, marinated in Lime Leaf Sambal and cooking on the grill. #auriasmalaysiankitchen #thesamballady
10yr Brooklyn, NY
Shrimp, zukes, peppers and onions, marinated in Lime Leaf Sambal and cooking on the grill. #auria...
The Al Paragus Special - grass-fed sirloin and short rib burger. Lime Leaf Sambal aioli. Holy hell. #auriasmalaysiankitchen#thesamballady #bbq #brooklyn #nyc
9yr Flatbush
The Al Paragus Special - grass-fed sirloin and short rib burger. Lime Leaf Sambal aioli. Holy hel...
Whole wheat hoppers, mutton curry, dhall, coconut sambal and sothi - the food of my mother's motherland. From @spicylanka in Jamaica, Qns. One taste and I was right back in my mum's kitchen - excep...
9yr Spicy Lanka
Whole wheat hoppers, mutton curry, dhall, coconut sambal and sothi - the food of my mother's moth...
  • SuperbHarmony Beautiful. I wish I had time to say a better hello at the Chili fest
  • AMK It was a gorgeous day and tons of people out. Thanks for coming by to say hello!
#NoFoodWaste Korean Kimchi Fried Rice. We love this easy, yummy, and no waste meal as you can add any veggies that you may have!!!
9yr Downtown Vancouver
#NoFoodWaste Korean Kimchi Fried Rice. We love this easy, yummy, and no waste meal as you can add...
A banana NEVER goes to waste in my house! My weekly routine or bi-weekly, is to bake Banana Bread and randomly gift them to my friends. It us a nice way to reduce food waste on a perfectly wonderfu...
9yr False Creek Ferries - Science World / Olympic Village
A banana NEVER goes to waste in my house! My weekly routine or bi-weekly, is to bake Banana Bread...
A good way to get the boys up in the morning with fresh, hot out of the oven Cinnamon Buns with Cream Cheese frosting. I pushed some fresh raspberries into 1/2 of the buns after they came out of th...
10yr Station Place
A good way to get the boys up in the morning with fresh, hot out of the oven Cinnamon Buns with C...
A little stop at Oysi Oysi for a new Crunchy Crunch Roll. Hit the spot, along with a glass if Sappora Beer!!! 😊
9yr Oysi Oysi
A little stop at Oysi Oysi for a new Crunchy Crunch Roll. Hit the spot, along with a glass if Sap...
A unique dish which we loved made from chicken liver pate and cremini mushrooms!! Perfection!!!
9yr Eataly NYC
A unique dish which we loved made from chicken liver pate and cremini mushrooms!! Perfection!!!