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Whole wheat hoppers, mutton curry, dhall, coconut sambal and sothi - the food of my mother's motherland. From @spicylanka in Jamaica, Qns. One taste and I was right back in my mum's kitchen - excep...
Spicy Lanka

SuperbHarmony Beautiful. I wish I had time to say a better hello at the Chili fest
AMK It was a gorgeous day and tons of people out. Thanks for coming by to say hello!
A banana NEVER goes to waste in my house! My weekly routine or bi-weekly, is to bake Banana Bread and randomly gift them to my friends. It us a nice way to reduce food waste on a perfectly wonderfu...
False Creek Ferries - Science World / Olympic Village

sugardetoxme What a wonderful gesture @Anita!
annefood Looks and sounds amazing!