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I made it 3 days on the The Avoid Sweets Challenge!
annefood Keep it up @sarbahanew !
sbailey Great job!
I conquered the The 8 Glasses of Water a Day Challenge - 54 days!
annefood WOO HOO @niamhp1998 ! You rocked it!
Clean Sweep!
Went for the kill on this one! I wish my grades back in school were just as good!!
DietID_TeamDietitians FAB FAB FAB!!
I conquered the The Avoid Sweets Challenge - 54 days!
DietID_TeamDietitians amazing!! What's next??
I made it 4 days on the The Avoid Soda Challenge!
annefood Awesome @sweetbaby ! Keep the good work. The beginning is the hardest- you've got this!