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A common challenge: Eating plant based on vacation... I've turned that into a fun opportunity rather than a challenge -
I look forward to finding and trying plant based friendly eateries everywhere we travel. Our fami...
A toaster waffle makeover!
Ditch the butter and syrup and try this version, which is far lower in sugar and saturated fat bu...
Bowl dinners are the best
Quinoa, lentils, avocado, roasted beats, roasted chickpeas, with tomato-cucumber salsa. This deli...
Healthy Eating at an Event
Eat the salmon or grilled chicken at events along with a side of veggies. Skip the bread or other...
India Just Hit A Massive Milestone, And The Entire World Should Take Note - a state with 100% organic farming!
I loved Sikkim when I visited. Ample recycling better than most cities, super clean, clear commit...
Hey Foodstanders! We were just featured in SELF magazine! Thanks for all of your contributions an...
Pasta needs good eggs/flour.
Eating breakfast could help obese people get more active -- ScienceDaily
"Eating breakfast causes obese people to be more active, according to new research. The study ana...
Spring = Pesto!! 🌱✨ Recipe on