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I made it 16 days on the The Avoid Sweets Challenge!
A Kaler Salad
On with the #FoodPuns. Keeping it crisp and simple with a kale salad
WFH = eating at home. πŸŽ‰ Big ol' bowl of sweet potato, bok choy, quinoa, radish, spices, and lotsa fresh lemon juice.
What Standing In Line For Food Stamps Taught Oprah's First Book Club Author About Judgment
""That was, in part, when I started to be free again," says Jacquelyn Mitchard."
Leggo Of My Avo!
Pan-toasted bread with mashed avocado and a hard-boiled egg, drizzled with Bragg's Liquid Aminos ...
My favorite plant based cookbook series: Oh She Glows -so many fun, easy, delicious family friendly recipes!
"Browse hundreds of crowd-pleasing vegan recipes created by Angela Liddon, New York Times Bestsel...
A soda replacement - drop fresh mint and fennel into seltzer for a refreshing beverage!
Feel deeply unmotivated; however, not like the lethargy after binging on sweets. My mind is clearer. I think the withdrawals are still strong. It’s almost like I don’t have motivation to do anything because Ive relied so heavily on sugary foods to get me through the day, almost like bribing myself sometimes.
Day 2/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level II
I conquered the The Eat Less Meat Challenge - 30 days!
I conquered the The Add Dairy Challenge - 7 days!
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