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Healthy Eating at an Event
Eat the salmon or grilled chicken at events along with a side of veggies. Skip the bread or other...
Eat the salmon or grilled chicken at events along with a side of veggies. Skip the bread or other starchy foods. The more meat you eat the fuller you will feel.
India Just Hit A Massive Milestone, And The Entire World Should Take Note - a state with 100% organic farming!
I loved Sikkim when I visited. Ample recycling better than most cities, super clean, clear commit...
I loved Sikkim when I visited. Ample recycling better than most cities, super clean, clear commitment to equality, and now this! "India's Sikkim state now boasts 100 percent organic certification. ...
  • garv @Rachna initially, India was all about organic farming by default & then the commerce of feeding a rising middle class crept in. What Sikkim has achieved is impressive! A lot of restaurateurs are...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians So good to hear, but I can totally see the glorifying of industrial ag and fast food creeping in. @Jiwan is building organic farming practices in chitrakoot, so hopefully this spreads throughout...
WWP Check-in
Distraction free meal this evening
Hello Everyone! My 1st day here
How to leave a challenge so I can enter another?
9yr Wellcome Collection
dee's post
Ramen noodles
Ramen noodles
Boozy brunch with JPC at the Spot
Boozy brunch with JPC at the Spot
Philbert's post
GriotGood's post