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160 billion lbs of food are wasted yearly due to confusing date-labeling laws.
EXPIRED is a five minute film that reveals how best by and sell by dates applied at the state lev...
EXPIRED is a five minute film that reveals how best by and sell by dates applied at the state level restrict stores from selling or donating perfectly good food. Did you know that "spoiled" pasteur...
  • unconventionalbaker Really a shame. I guess there's no way to avoid this when food is mass produced the way it is today -- common sense is traded for "standards" that tend to backfire... :/
  • JenniferEmilson Isn't it also an issue of not understand 'Best By' dates vs 'Use By' dates. Best By is a safety net for retailers, even though there is plenty of life still in that product! Nothing beats our own...
  • annefood @JenniferEmilson totally! But apparently those best by dates aren't even backed by current science, yet after that date the food can't even be donated! There needs to be some sort of either a)...
Make sure your fridge isn't overpacked to ensure your food stays cold.
An overfilled fridge prevents air from circulating properly. It's the perfect excuse to use all o...
An overfilled fridge prevents air from circulating properly. It's the perfect excuse to use all of the goodies that might be hiding in the back! #nofoodwaste #kitchentips
  • unconventionalbaker Good tip! I once had to call in a technician because my fridge was leaking, and the problem was just that it was so packed some things were blocking a vent :s so I can vouch for this one 👍🏻
  • annefood Oh no @unconventionalbaker ! Glad it was an easy fix!!
New breakfast idea with farro and sautéed grape tomatoes.
Had some leftover farro and figured it would be good for @manfood 's breakfast. Fried eggs, sauté...
Had some leftover farro and figured it would be good for @manfood 's breakfast. Fried eggs, sautéed grape tomatoes. Success! #nofoodwaste
U.K. grocer embraces 'wonky' veg to trim waste | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."
"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."
  • mirasingh Are there any US grocers who are doing this?
  • sugardetoxme Not that I know of. We're so late to the game. I'm wondering if an organization, particularly a non-profit, can help lead that challenge. Maybe @NRDC? Would be easier than for ordinary citizens to...
  • katewilson I for one would be interested in joining that petition!
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Here’s How to Solve World Hunger
"About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste. That’s enough to feed two billion people." Her...
"About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste. That’s enough to feed two billion people." Here at Foodstand, we are big believers in reducing and eliminating food waste. You better believe we w...
Love having yummy leftovers in the fridge for a quick lunch #nofoodwaste #leftovers #lunch
marynfulton2's post
What happens to leftover food in farmers fields?
About 7-10% of the food grown in this country never leaves the farm for a variety of reasons; som...
About 7-10% of the food grown in this country never leaves the farm for a variety of reasons; some is missed during harvest and some is deemed too cosmetically challenged to be sold. Considering th...
France becomes first country to force all supermarkets to give unsold food to needy.
Given that 1 and 4 children in the U.S. Goes to bed hungry and 48 million Americans live in food ...
Given that 1 and 4 children in the U.S. Goes to bed hungry and 48 million Americans live in food insecure households, this is a HUGE precedent. I hope that U.S. Can follow France's lead. #NoFoodWaste
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Luscious Beef lardo toast, made from Beef lard trimmings, topped w Bottarga and pickled Fennel Bulb salad. #nofoodwaste
9yr Shalom Japan
Luscious Beef lardo toast, made from Beef lard trimmings, topped w Bottarga and pickled Fennel Bu...
When live gives you old bananas, make banana bread and send it to all the people you love #nofoodwaste #tistheseason
When live gives you old bananas, make banana bread and send it to all the people you love #nofood...