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New breakfast idea with farro and sautéed grape tomatoes.
Had some leftover farro and figured it would be good for @manfood 's breakfast. Fried eggs, sauté...
U.K. grocer embraces 'wonky' veg to trim waste | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."
Here’s How to Solve World Hunger
"About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste. That’s enough to feed two billion people." Her...
Love having yummy leftovers in the fridge for a quick lunch #nofoodwaste #leftovers #lunch
What happens to leftover food in farmers fields?
About 7-10% of the food grown in this country never leaves the farm for a variety of reasons; som...
France becomes first country to force all supermarkets to give unsold food to needy.
Given that 1 and 4 children in the U.S. Goes to bed hungry and 48 million Americans live in food ...
Luscious Beef lardo toast, made from Beef lard trimmings, topped w Bottarga and pickled Fennel Bu...
Shalom Japan
When live gives you old bananas, make banana bread and send it to all the people you love #nofood...
Starting the week 'parfaitly' Vanilla skyr, homemade granola, steel cut oatmeal, homemade plum bu...
My favorite homemade buckwheat bread with mashed avocado and crispy bacon. #NoFoodWaste