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Happy Election Day! This brekkie has been on the menu for a solid week and it doesn’t get old. Prepped in a total of 2.5 minutes
Sprouted grain bread, avocado, scrambled egg
Day 1/14: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level III
annefood 👌🏼
Breakfast sandwich with no added sugar. Sprouted grain bread with spinach avocado and egg.
Day 2/3: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level I
annefood Yum!
8 glasses a day!
I fill two 32oz. water bottles with filtered water the night before and I'm ready to drink them anywhere I go!
annefood Perfect @kelleyann !
How to speed up your metabolism | Well+Good
"You could be sabotaging yourself without even realizing it."
humvee Thank you for this! Made the mistake of staying hungry today! Had no idea I'd be sabatoging myself in the hopes of losing weight!
garv Actually, Long gaps have the opposite effect . I've tried it all! 4-5 small meals work brilliantly & every once in a while include dessert too!
humvee Oh! Definitely going to go for 4 to 5 from now on. Thanks for the tip!
I've recently started eating banana oatmeal pancakes for breakfast with a very small addition of dark chocolate chips and I'm OBSESSED! 😋
The bananas don't even let you THINK of adding sugar! I make mine in large batches to save time in the morning! It has helped with my addiction to sweets too ☺️
Is soy the new sugar ?
"Spoiler alert: Soy is everywhere."
annefood So true—by cutting out soy there are very few processed foods left!