Eat At Least 1 Distraction-Free Meal Per Day

What’s Inside

What’s In & What’s Out

  • Eat with friends and family, or by yourself.
  • No television, radio, computer or mobile devices allowed at the table.
  • No talking on the phone.
  • No working.
  • Reading is allowed.
  • If you slip, no biggie. Slipping means you’re trying, which is what counts! You can get back on track for the rest of the day.

Why This Is A Good Idea

Focusing entirely on your meal and your dining companions as opposed to your work, television, or mobile device, allows you to more fully enjoy your food, and helps you to read your body’s signals of satiety—preventing mindless overeating. Studies show that when you eat distraction-free meals, you tend to eat less, and when you eat with distractions, you tend to eat more. Not only does eating without distractions prevent weight-gain from eating too much food, it also prevents you from eating snack foods and sugary foods you don’t particularly want. Plus it saves you money as you’ll likely have leftovers for later! Note: One element of distraction-free eating is to prevent overeating. Restricting oneself and focusing too much on weight can be harmful to the body, and to one’s mental health. Listen to your body, eat enough food but not too much, and don’t deprive yourself.

Basic Tips

  • Be sure to check in right after you had your distraction-free meal. It’s more effective than waiting till the end of the day.
  • Eat at the dinner table, not on the couch. You’re less likely to multitask if you’re sitting at the table.
  • Turn off the television. Turn off your phone. Leave your laptop in the other room.
  • Cook your meals! You’ll give your food more attention and respect if you’ve prepared it yourself.
  • Even if you’re eating takeout, use a plate and take an appropriate portion. Oftentimes takeout portions are much bigger than a single serving, so don’t let the container guide you.
  • Make a meal that is particularly enjoyable to you—it should be enough to capture your attention at the table.
  • Pay attention and savor each bite. Food is much more satisfying if you enjoy each bite you put in your mouth. Plus, if you don’t have a memory of eating, you’re more likely to eat again much sooner than if you had paid attention.
  • Make your meal an occasion to share with friends and family, and enjoy the food together.
  • Chew more! Chewing helps you digest your food more easily.
  • Set your fork down between bites, and eat more slowly. If you’re not mindlessly shoveling in the grub you’ll be more aware of how full you are.
  • Don’t let yourself get too famished between meals, or you’ll be more likely to grab something quickly while standing up or on the go.
  • If you need something concrete, try setting a timer and enjoy your food distraction-free for that amount of time.

Smart Things To Read And Watch

Note: Diet ID is not focused on the number on the scale. Weight loss can be a byproduct of developing healthier eating habits, but if you have questions about your weight, please contact your physician.